Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Class #29 - Almost Culmination

Hey team,

Today in social studies, please follow these steps:

1) Complete your graphic design statement. Download this link. Once it's downloaded, open the file from within Pages. If you click it and Microsoft Word opens, please reread these instructions.
2) Print your graphic design statement and place in my basket.
3) Pick a NEWSELA article to read. Select an article that interests you. Read the article. Answer the questions and respond to the writing prompt.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Class #27 - Finalizing Your Poster Design

LT: I can utilize elements of graphic design to create a poster.

Today's Agenda!

Rules to Live By - Placeholder Text for Poster

We define ourselves through helping others. Throughout our expedition, Rules to Live By, this rule has helped me succeed. My research of the union organizer, Dolores Huerta, a service-learning experience at Reiche Elementary and an interview with my grandmother, helped me discover the truth of this rule to live by.
Dolores Huerta, a union organizer, defined herself as a caring and empathetic person through her work with farm workers.In the 1960s and 70s, she helped them achieve improved working conditions by organizing unions like the Community Services Organization (CSO) and the United Farm Workers UFW. These unions helped negotiate better contracts for workers and reduce the use of poisonous chemicals in crops. Growing up, Dolores had first hand experience with the poverty and racism experienced by farmworkers. This inspired her to improve their situation. This work eventually earned her great awards like the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is the highest civilian award in the United States, in 2012.
Recently, I visited Reiche Elementary School for our service-learning experience. This outing helped me discover the joy of helping others. My classmates and I read books to third graders and played with them at recess. I was paired with two boys, Abdi and Oscar. These boys struggled to read. I did my best to help them understand their books. Hopefully, my time with them helped get them closer to achieving their goal of becoming stronger readers. Volunteering at Reiche made me realize how fun and rewarding it is to help others.
When my classmates and I interviewed the Seadog’s VP of operations, Chris Jenkins, I learned that sometimes you can help others in small ways, yet make a huge difference. Jenkins started in the concession stands and now he’s VP of operations. He talked about the importance of doing your best at your job. Jenkins was known as the best helper in his department. His helpful nature in concessions, helped him become known as a “go-getter” or someone who “gets the job done.” This eventually opened doors for his position as VP of operations.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How do I mask my portrait?

Follow these steps:

Create a shape that you want to mask your portrait with. Next, select the shape and your image (hold down SHIFT).


Adjust your image how you want it and click done.

Claim/Evidence Assessment #3

This assignment is only for people who are still trying to hit the target for the following learning target: "I can use evidence from the text to support a claim." If you hit the target on the Dolores Huerta assessment, you do not need to complete this assessment.

Read the following article:
Doctor says it's best to keep volume at medium or lower with ear buds

Find at least TWO pieces of evidence that support this claim: "EAR BUDS CAN CAUSE HEARING DAMAGE." Once you've highlighted the evidence, write an analysis (See my example below). Your analysis explains how the evidence supports the claim. When you've completed this assessment, make sure to tell Mr. Shaddox.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Class #24 - Rules to Live By LEADER

LT: I can use evidence from the text to support a claim
LT: I can utilize successful typography, color, imagery and layout in my poster design.

1) Complete your leader research. Print your Challenges and Successes note catcher (Room 215) and turn in to Mr. Shaddox's basket.
2) Begin designing a poster for your leader. Make sure to consider typography, imagery and layout in the poster design.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Class #8 - You Are the Expert! Discussion Preparation

Our class is going to have a class discussion called You Are The Expert!
Each student will play the role of a different person involved in the current Zika issue: Mother, Bee Keeper, Scientist, Business Owner and Governor of Florida. Each student will be given a new source to read and use in the discussion. The source will give you new evidence to use for backing up your claims.

Here's the game plan:
  • Students assigned their roles
  • Students given sources and claims
  • Students read sources and highlight evidence to support claims (in Pages)
  • Find an additional source to use in the discussion -- become the expert!

Friday (Blue, Silver, Pink) & Monday (Maroon)
  • Text-based discussion

Mother who contracted Zika while pregnant

Bee Keeper


Miami business owner

Florida Gov. Rick Scott

Bee Keepers --> Read this one. Copy and paste the text into your Pages document.
  1. Bee Keeper
    1. “Naled and other insecticides are not worth it! They kill my bees and will destroy my livelihood (job).”

South Florida beekeepers concerned about effects of Zika spraying


Vocabulary: Beekeeper, insecticide, Naled, spray, pollinate

Beekeepers in Florida are getting nervous. They are worried about Naled spraying. Naled is an insecticide. An insecticide is a chemical that kills insects. They are scared Naled will affect their bee hives.

Naled is used to kill mosquitoes. The mosquitoes can carry the Zika virus. In South Florida, people have gotten sick and died because of Zika. Naled is killing mosquitoes, but it’s also killing bees.
More than 2.5 million bees died on one farm in South Carolina after one spraying for mosquitoes. Naled, the same chemical being used to kill mosquitoes in Zika-affected areas in South Florida, was sprayed on the hives.

Lee Del Signore is a beekeeper. A beekeeper keeps bees to collect their honey and other products that a beehive produces. A beehive can produce beeswax, propolis, pollen, and royal jelly. A beekeeper also uses their bees to pollinate crops, which helps them grow.

Lee has worked as a beekeeper in South Florida for half his life.
He is scared of what could happen to his bees if they spray near him.
He said, “It’s not good for the bees because that mass spray is like a fog. It falls down to the ground like a fog. And whatever it contacts, it’s going to die.”

This could cause beekeepers to lose a lot of money. Over 13 million pounds of honey are produced every year. The honey makes beekeepers more than $27 million.
Lee says it wouldn’t take much to destroy his hives.
“It don’t take much to kill bees. I’m concerned all the time.”

Beekeepers say that the county tells them before they spray. But, that doesn’t mean they can move all of their bees in time.
Lee Del Signore: “They can inform you, but it’s a lot of work to be moving bees. I’ve got bees all over the place. I mean, if they give you 24 hours or a couple of days, what am I going to do? Move all of my bees out of the spray area or try to cover them up?”

And as Zika infections continue across the state, beekeepers say the spraying to kill mosquitoes could kill our food.
Lee Del Signore: “Bees give us honey. Their pollen turn flowers into fruit and vegetables. People can’t do that.”
Which is why they hope government leaders find a safer way to control the spread of Zika.

Claim: Naled and other insecticides are not worth it! They kill my bees and will destroy my livelihood (job).”

Evidence: Naled is bad for beekeepers because __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Evidence: Naled is bad for beekeepers because __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Evidence: Naled is bad for beekeepers because __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Class #4 - NEWSela Time!

Today, students will sign up for a Newsela account and find an article that interests them.

Group (Homeroom)

Blue (212)

Maroon (213)

Pink (214)

Silver (215)

Monday, September 5, 2016

Class #2 - Social Studies Norms


Think, Pair, Share
A norm is a way of acting that is usual, typical or standard. Norms help a team work together successfully. What are some norms you have at home?

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Class #1 - Welcome to Mr. Shaddox's Social Studies

Artifact Connections
  • As you enter the class, select an artifact and have a seat.
  • Can you find a connection with your artifact?
  • Introduce yourself and share your connection (partner/class).
"Hi. My name is Douglas Samuels and I am like this ____________________ because."

"Good morning. I'm Erica Nyarushatsi and I connect with this _________________ because ____________.

"Hello. I'm Jose Vasquez and my summer was like this ______________________ because ___________________."

Things You Should Know About Me